Place of birth, year, month: city of Osh,
Village Toloykon, J. Mamytov No. 2, 06.11.1976.
Education: OSPI 2001
Specialty: teacher of physical culture
Qualification: teacher of physical culture
Profession: football
Work experience: total: 22
Pedagogical: 22
B SAND: 12
Career path: 1997-2000. Bokonbaev secondary school
physical education teacher.
2000-2007 teacher of physical culture OSPI
2007-2008. teacher of physical education, Osh State University
Since 2011, he has been working at KUMU
Position: senior lecturer of the department of the physical culture
Purpose: preparation of competitive specialists using new information technologies in training
Achievements: honorary diploma of KUIU 2014
Honorary certificate of KUIU-2015
Scientific work: dissertation work “Pedagogical principles of sports refereeing”
Number of scientific articles: 3
Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Place, year, month of birth: Jalal-Abad region.
Suzak district, Lelindik village, 15.10.1957.
Education: Kyrgyz State Institute of Physical Culture 1979.
Specialty: physical education
Qualification: Teacher of physical culture
Profession: volleyball
Work experience: total: 44
Pedagogical: 44
Labor activity: 1979-1982 OGPI
1982-2010 Osh trade and economic college
Since 2010, he has been working at KUIU
Place of work: teacher of the department of Physical culture and education
Purpose: to give students education and improve their sports skills with the help of technology.
Achievements: the best in education in 1986,
Master of Sport 1992
The Central Committee of the Trade Union Workers’ Union.
Certificate of honor 2023
Scientific works: Volleyball program.
Number of scientific articles: 1
Place, year, month of birth: Osh region,
Aravan district, Cultura village, 06.09.1964
Education: Kokad State Pedagogical Institute 1988.
Specialty: physical education
Qualification: teacher of physical culture
Profession: Freestyle wrestling
Work experience: total: 35
Pedagogical: 35
At KUIU: 22
Work activity: 1988-1990. Aravan sports school
In the 1990s-2000s, was a teacher at the Anarovsky secondary school.
Since 2000 he has been working at KUIU.
Place of work: teacher of the department of Physical culture
Purpose: professional education of youth, modern education.
Achievements: Honorary certificate of the Trade Union KUIU 2014
Place, year, month of birth: Nookat region, Zulpuyevsky district, S. Lying down. Ul. Yehbaeva 7, 30.05.1991
Education: K-UU, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography – 2016.
Specialty: Biology
Qualification: the teacher biology
Work experience: total: 10
Pedagogical: 10
Work experience: 2013-2016. Nookat region, OshTU teacher biology secondary school named after B. Atisheva.
Has been working for KUIU since 2016
Position: deputy dean for part-time academic work at Humanitarian-Pedagogical Party, senior lecturer at the department of Physical culture
The goal: to become the best teacher, to teach a new generation, to provide quality lessons and a decent education
Achievements: The best teacher of the year – 2014, Nookat district
Republican Grand Prix “Pedagogical debut-5-2015”.
The winner of the competition “Master-Student” KUIU.
Holder of the title “Favorite teacher-2021” KUIU.
Scientific work: dissertation work “Identification of diseases and pests in Kyrgyzstan and the influence of abiotic factors”
Scientific articles – 13
Place, year, month of birth: Osh region. Chon-Alai district,
village Kyzyl-Eshme, str Saibayu 5, 20.01.1990.
Education: graduated K-UU in 2013.
Specialty: pre-school training and physical education
Qualification: pre-service training and physical education teacher
Profession: tennis
Work experience: total: 12
Pedagogical: 12
Career path: 2011-2016. CHYSS g. Osh
In 2016 started working at KUMU
Place of work: teacher of the department of Physical culture.
Purpose: to be the best in his profession
Achievements: Osh City Committee of Physical Culture and Sports.
Certificate of honor 2016
Mayor of Osh Certificate of honor 2021.
Place, year, month of birth: Batken region,
Kadamzhai district, Pulgon village. str Kara-Jangak, 19.11.1991.
Education: K-UU, The faculty of Physical training and culture-2016.
Specialty: pre-service training and physical education
Qualification: preparatory training and teacher of physical culture profession: Volleyball
Work experience: total: 8
Pedagogy: 7
At KUIU: 8
Employment: 2016 employment at KUIU
Work: teacher of the department of Physical Culture.
Purpose: to give youth education in accordance with the requirements of the time, health improvement.
Achievements: Department of Youth Affairs under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, State agency for physical culture and sports
Certificate of honor 2017
Osh city committee of physical culture and sports
Certificate of honor 2019
Certificate of honor of the Osh regional professional association 2021.
Place of birth, year, month: Osh region, Kara-Suu district,
village Toloykon, was born on January 28 in 1967
Education: Kyrgyz State University named after the 50th anniversary of Kyrgyzstan in 1991.
Specialty: teacher of physics
Qualification: semiconductor and dielectric
Profession: pre-service training
Work experience: 32
Pedagogical: 10
Employment: Engineer OshTU 1991-1993.
1993-2000 soldier 36806 military unit
2000-2012 military in the Ministry of Emergency Situations
2012-2016. teacher of the military department of OshTU
In 2016 he started working at KUIU
Job: laboratory technician, department of the Physical culture and education.
Purpose: to increase the professionalism of defenders of the Fatherland by educating youth in the spirit of patriotism.
Achievements: medal of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2nd degree, for impeccable service.
Honorary certificate of the Ministry of Defense 1995.
Honorary certificate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 2007.
Place, year, month of birth: Osh region,
Kara-Suu district, Nariman village, section VLKSM, 25.12.1960
Education: Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand Cooperative Institute
Specialty: Accounting
Qualification: Economist
Work experience: total: 41
Pedagogical: 16
At KUIU: 23
Labor activity: 1982-1994. Accountant inter-district base in Osh, C 2000. Works at KUMU
Job: laboratory technician, department of the PhCE.
Purpose: to contribute to the education of youth.
Achievements: honorary diploma KUIU-2015
Acknowledgment work book KUIU 2022