Кафедранын тарыхы

Department of Methods of Preschool and Primary Education

 THE History of the chair

The university was founded by the decree of the Kyrgyz Republic government on July 18, 1994, as the Kyrgyz-Uzbek Higher Technological College. This college was transformed into the Kyrgyz-Uzbek University by a decree of the Kyrgyz Republic president on March 31, 1997.

By order of the Ministry of EducationandScience of the KyrgyzRepublicinJanuary2021, it wasrenamedtheKyrgyz-UzbekInternationalUniversitynamed after BatyralySydykov(KUMU).ThenewCharter of the University was approved andregisteredas a legalentity by the OshRegionalDepartment of Justice on February8, 2021(CertificateNo.65654-3310-U-e). The date of initialregistration of the university is March11, 1998.

In 2001, the Kyrgyz-Uzbek University established the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy, which was also a part of the Pedagogical Institute at the University of K-UU.

The faculty consisted of three departments: Methods of Primary Education, Department of Music, and Pedagogy and Psychology. These departments trained primary school teachers and music teachers.

From 2001 to 2004, the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.H. Khudaiberdiev, led the Department of Methods of Primary Education.

From 2005 to 2009, the Department of Methods of Primary Education was headed by the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor R.P. Anarkulov.

Due to the reduction of the specialty “Music” in the 2010-2011 academic year, by decision of the Academic Council of K-UU, the Department of Primary Education Methodology was attached to the Faculty of History and Philology. From 2010-2012 academic years, the department was called Uzbek Philology and Pedagogy. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Kadyrova M.S. was appointed head of the department.

In connection with the abolition of the specialty Uzbek language and literature in the 2012-2013 academic year, on the basis of order  № 65 dated 14.09.2012, the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education was established, the department was headed by Associate Professor Kadyrova M.S.

In September 2013-2014, the department was transferred to the Faculty of Natural Education, the department was headed by Associate Professor Kadyrova M.S.

During the development of the faculty, it was divided into two departments: “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education” and “Pedagogy and Psychology”.

Currently, the department is part of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy of the Kyrgyz – Uzbek International University named after B.Sydykov, the head of the department is Ph.D., Associate Professor Kadyrova M.S.

At present, Department of Methods of Preschool and Primary Education has 20 full-timeteachers and 1 laboratory assistant of the department. Among them are 2 doctors of sciences, professors, 7 candidates of sciences, associate professors; 8 senior lecturer, 3 lecturer. Of these, 1 is a professor of the RAE, 1 is an honored Worker of Science and Education of the RAE, 3 are excellent education KR.

          The department is producing in the following areas of training:                                         Directions: 550700 Pedagogy. Profile: “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, “Pedagogy and methodology of preschool education” (Bachelor‘s degree).                                             Directions: 550700 Pedagogy. Profile: Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, Pedagogy and methodology of preschool education (qualification (degree) Master).

The main goal of the educational, research and innovation policy of the department is to ensure the training of specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel at the level of world qualification requirements, effective use of educational, scientific, technical and innovative potential.

The main task of the department this year is to further improve the quality of theoretical and practical training of graduates, maintain a high level of teaching academic disciplines, improve the quality of student training by improving the organization of the educational process, scientific and methodological work, equipping additional literature in the classrooms of departments.

Thisyear, the teachingstaff has successfullysolved the task of completing the development of basiceducationalprograms. The teacherssolved the problem of masteringmoderneducationaltechnologies,activating the cognitiveactivity of studentsandincreasingtheirresponsibilityfor the results of educationalwork.

The department is constantly working to expand the electronic database of test assignments in all disciplines assigned to the department, teachers have placed them in the AVN information system, which will help students master training courses. The teachers of the department are actively implementing a point-rating system for evaluating the achievements of students and masters in the process of professional training.

The departmentcarries out a lot of workrelatedto the education of the youngergeneration,which is entrustedtoteacherswith many years of practicalteachingexperience.Educational,methodological,scientific and researchwork is carried out in general pedagogicalandsocio-pedagogicaldisciplines,educationalworkamongstudents,aswell as training of scientific and pedagogicalpersonnel. The educationalprocess is carried out on the basis of the use of advancedlearningtechnologies,taking into account the bestpractices of worldpractice.

In Osh region, the demand for specialists of the department is quite high. Every year, more than 78-85% of graduates of the department get jobs in educational organizations.


Educational programme

The educationalprocess in thefield of training550700Pedagogy is organizedat the department of “PMNO”, the purpose of the educationalprogramis: to trainprimaryschoolteachers and preschool teachers who are able to solveprofessionalproblemsin the field of pedagogicaleducationandsuccessfullyworkin their chosenfield of activity,possessuniversal,professionalandspecialcompetencies,tolerance,use a variety of techniques,methodsandtoolseducation,contributing to itssocialmobilityandsustainability in thelabormarket.

The department has personal computers, multimedia systems, televisions, audio recordings and videos for conducting the educational process and scientific conferences. An educational website that contains information about the university, educational literature, exams, materials for in-depth study in individual subjects, Olympiad tasks and their solutions, regulatory documents; gyms for physical education;


Educational and methodological work

 Inalldisciplinesassigned to thedepartment, there is educational and methodologicalsupportin the form of workprograms,syllabuses,educational and methodologicalcomplexescontainingdidacticmaterialsin the form of assignments,controlquestionsforpractical,laboratoryclassesandindependentwork of students.Educational and methodologicalwork is carried out according to the approvedplan of the department. The teachers of the department have publishededucationalandmethodologicalmanuals,lecture notes,educational and referencematerials,testsforself–control indisciplines.

The library of the educational institution is connected to the Irbis system and is equipped with a computer for working with its programs, a copier printer, a scanner that reads barcodes. Students of the educational program 550700 Pedagogy deepen their knowledge in independently named libraries. ;



The maintopic of scientificresearch of the departmentis”Preparation of futureprimaryschoolteachersforprofessionalpedagogicalactivity”,whichcoversallaspects of the process of highereducationandupbringing: the formation of personalqualitiesandfutureteachers,professionalknowledgeandskills,theirorientationtoindependentscientific and creativetechnologicalandinnovativeapproachto the educationalprocess.

The teaching staff of the department was trained in the following general education and specialized disciplines, of which, on the basis of pedagogical technologies, an educational and methodological manual, a complex, a collection of lectures and practical exercises, electronic educational materials were prepared:

Methods of teaching Kyrgyz / Russian in primary school, methods of teaching mathematics in primary school, preschool pedagogy, GLIL teaching methods, fundamentals of correctional pedagogy and special psychology, methods of educational work, labor and methods of its teaching, natural science and methods of its teaching.


All the teaching staff conducted research on the main scientific topic of the department and published the following works:

Kadyrova M.S., Orazbayeva A.Y., Khadjaeva K.K.. International scientific and practical online conference “Ways to solve problems in the organization of work with gifted children” Great Britain. (EJRRES) Volume 8, number 12, 2020. Part II.

EJRRESis a peer-reviewed researchjournalpublishedbyProgressiveAcademicPublishing,UK.

KadyrovaM.S.,AbdivalievaG.A.”Professional and personaltraining of teacherstoworkwithgiftedchildren”in the internationaljournalIJRESSEconomicandSocialResearch.ISSN:2249-7382,India,10.12.2020Internationaljournalof IJRESS EconomicandSocialResearch.ISSN:2249-7382,India,10.12.2020

Kadyrova M.S. “Diagnostics for the identification of gifted children” International journal IJRESS Economic and Social Research. ISSN:2249-7382, India, 10.12.2020



          Upbringing work by teachers is carried out regularly. The tutors hold talks, debates, and various events dedicated to significant dates, where students are instilled with feelings of patriotism, analytical and critical thinking skills, and assessments of the modern world with a focus on national and universal values.

Students of the Department of Primary Education are distinguished by responsibility, civic engagement, solidarity, great enthusiasm, and sociability. They actively participate in the life of the university, participate in international and national Olympiads, competitions, seminars, and show their activity outside of university life.

Special attention is paid to the cultural and aesthetic education of students of the department and control over their social status. A cultural and aesthetic center uniting talented students, equipped with excellent musical instruments, the Dostuk sports club, various sports sections – “Volleyball”, “Basketball”, “Ordo”, “Football”, “Table tennis”, “Athletics”, “Toguz Korgol”, “Chess”, “Erkin Kurosh”, etc.

In addition, students have access to a student canteen, medical center, and dormitory with 360 beds. Each academic year, orphaned and socially vulnerable students from low-income backgrounds receive social benefits, as well as exemption from 50% and 25% of annual fees under the contract.            In addition, students have access to a student canteen, medical center, and dormitory with 360 beds. Each academic year, orphaned and socially vulnerable students from low-income backgrounds receive social benefits, as well as exemption from 50% and 25% of annual fees under the contract.


Directions: 550700 Pedagogy. Profile: “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”, “Pedagogy and methodology of preschool education” (Bachelor‘s degree).


  • Adaptation and pedagogical practice “School day” in a multilingual school in the third semester (2 weeks);
  • Professional and basicpracticein a multilingualschoolVIsemester(4weeks);
  • Professionalpracticein a multilingualschool for the seventhsemester(6weeks);
  • An agreement has been signed between the district schools of the Osh region and the city of Osh. Directions: 550700 Pedagogy. Profile: Pedagogy and methodology of primary education (qualification (degree) Master).

Practice and research work

  • Academicpractice:researchwork in the firstsemester(4weeks);
  • Scientific and pedagogicalpractice in the secondsemester(5weeks);
  • Researchwork in the thirdsemester(6weeks);
  • Researchwork in the IVsemester(10weeks);
  • An agreement has been signedbetween the districtschools,collegesanduniversities of the Oshregionand the city of Osh.

Practitioners consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired by students through mastering theoretical courses, developing practical skills andcontribute to the integratedformation of general cultural, general professionalandprofessionalcompetencies of students.

The field of professionalactivity of graduates who have completed the bachelor’s andmaster’s degree programsincludes:education,socialsphere,culture. The specifics of the graduate’s professionalactivity are determined by the universalism of the pedagogicalprofession of a primaryschoolteacher.

A bachelor’s and master’s degree graduate is a professionally trained methodologist, a teacher–researcher who is able to work in various types of educational institutions (secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, institutions of additional education education), a scientific and pedagogical worker at a college and university, a manager in the field of primary education.



        As part of strengthening partnerships and improving the skills of teachers of the department, they visit the following partner educational institutions, hold joint events (conferences, round tables, trainings), work on research projects:

  • OshSU;
  • KSU named after I.Arabaev;
  • AlisherNavoi State Pedagogical University (Uzbekistan);
  • TSPUnamed after Nizami(Uzbekistan);
  • ANDU named after Z.Babur;(Uzbekistan);
  • KFUElabugaInstitute(branch)(Russia);
  • AbaiStatePedagogicalUniversity(Kazakhstan);

In order to exchange experience, teachers of the department undergo academic mobility in partner universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The leading teachers of the department, M.S. Kadyrova, J.R. Imaralieva and G.A. Abduvalieva, completed advanced training at the Yelabuga Institute of the Kazan Federal University of the Russian Federation. 


The Universityhas a material and technicalbase that providesalltypes of disciplinaryandinterdisciplinarytraining,lecture,practicalandlaboratoryclasses,projectexecution,groupandindividualconsultations,ongoingmonitoringandintermediatecertification,aswell as includingfacilitiesforindependentwork.

Information support of the educational process is also well established. All computer classes and electronic libraries are connected to each other and connected to the Internet. Monitoring of the educational process is carried out through the AVN information program. The University’s website (www.kuu . kg) the necessary documents and data are being implemented and uploaded in a timely manner. There is also a Granit TV studio equipped with the latest technical equipment, the editorial office of the student newspaper “Planet of Friendship”.